MASTER Expert with “more than 7 years of experience”who has judged and won major domestic and international competitions 25,900 9D BROW/LIP TATTOO CLAUDIA Number 1 eyebrow tattoo champion in Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, and America. JT Number 1 lip tattoo champion in Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, and America. SENIOR 15,900 9D BROW/LIP TATTOO 15,900 9D BROW/LIP TATTOO Expert level technician“Win competitions” both domestically and internationallyreceiving many awards. JUNIOR 7,900 9D BROW/LIP TATTOO 7,900 9D BROW/LIP TATTOO Technician with more than 4 years of experienceได้มาตรฐาน CT. ระดับประเทศผ่านการเทรนจนมีความสามารถระดับสูง